Actionable advice and real-life stories that will help you create a happy and healthy blended family.
The Blended Family
A Roadmap for Bringing your Family Together
Building a blended family successfully is hard, emotional, brave work.
Are you looking for family harmony, relationships that are respectful, compassionate, understanding, and loving?
This workbook is a practical tool for any couple contemplating or on the journey of blending a family. It is a workshop in a book, with guidance and activities to help you move forward with your eyes wide open, and make conscious decisions, rather than letting life happen to you.
You'll find practical tips, guidance, and insights that will help families navigate the process of blending families. It covers topics such as honouring the past, effective communication, parenting, step-parenting, finances, and more.
Written by a Professional Certified Coach and Certified Human Behavioral Consultant
Insights & advice from real-life experiences
Over 40 exercises to work through with your family
The Author
Gerald Eefting’s passion for blended families starts with his own commitment to his family. In partnership with his wife, they have successfully blended their “tribe” of six. Many of their personal stories are included in this book.
Gerald understands family relationships and is passionate about helping others build blended families. He leverages his personable and supportive spirit to develop trusted, respected, and highly valued relationships with his clients. He is skilled in implementing individual, relevant solutions.
Gerald is President of NSE Coaching & Leadership Inc. NSE’s role as “family” facilitators is to assist families in developing strategies to create their own roadmap to achieving their personal vision for their blended family.

Contact Gerald
If you have any questions or comments about my book, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you.
Tel: 403.630.9243